
Nine New Millisecond Pulsars Discovered By MeerKAT

Nine New Millisecond Pulsars Discovered By MeerKAT

Researchers using MeerKAT have found nine millisecond pulsars, the majority of them in uncommon and occasionally unusual binary systems.

IXPE Measures X-ray Pulsar Hercules X-1 Polarization

IXPE Measures X-ray Pulsar Hercules X-1 Polarization

Black Widow Neutron Star Is the Heaviest Ever Seen

Black Widow Neutron Star Is the Heaviest Ever Seen

A condensed collapsed star has chewed up and eaten almost the total mass of its stellar companion. In so doing, it has become the heaviest neutron star observed to date.

Extreme Red Quasars May Quash Formation Of Stars

Extreme Red Quasars May Quash Formation Of Stars

Quasars can eject material at high speeds, possibly helping to drive the blowout and regulate star formation in their host galaxies. However, many aspects of this evolutionary scheme are not understood.

Pulsar Shows Gravity To Be Constant Throughout Universe

Pulsar Shows Gravity To Be Constant Throughout Universe

Astronomers are now closer to understanding how gravity works across the universe, thanks to a 21-year study of a pair of stars, a pulsar and a white dwarf.

Photoionised Quasar Ghosts Found by Hubble

Photoionised Quasar Ghosts Found by Hubble

The Hubble Space Telescope has documented a set of enigmatic quasar ghosts. These ethereal green images mark the graves of these objects that flickered to life and then faded.

Triple Star System Pulsar Enables Complex Gravitational Measurements

Triple Star System Pulsar Enables Complex Gravitational Measurements

Using the Green Bank Telescope, astronomers have revealed a novel stellar system. Consisting of two white dwarf stars and a superdense neutron star, the stars are packed within a space smaller than Earths orbit around the Sun.